Thursday, 28 March 2013

RIP Grandad

Well, where do I start?

Today marks the day that I said goodbye to my granddad for the last time. On Sunday night I received the news that my Grand father had passed away. He was alone in his room at the nursing home and passed in his sleep. He didn't suffer any pain and it happened very quickly.

It was only a few weeks ago that we got the news that he was suffering from heart failure. No one knew how much longer he had left but we didn't expect it to happen so quickly and it came as quite a shock. He deteriorated very quickly, he went blind in a matter of days, he could no longer do anything to help himself. He refused to eat and drink. I think he knew the end was near.

I've decided to dedicate this post to my memory of him, a great strong man.

My earliest memory of my Granddad was back when I was a little girl, maybe about 3 or 4 years old. He was living with us at the time. I remember sneaking into his bedroom to play with his ornaments. I thought they were the most beautiful things ever. He had these little figurine's of a boy and girl. Of coarse being young, i made them boyfriend and girlfriend. They would get married, have babies (which were little dogs) and live happily ever after. My granddad busted me playing with them one day and i was petrified he was going to yell at me for touching them, instead he gave them to me and I couldn't have been happier or prouder. I love those little figurines with all my heart and still have them to this day.

My next fondest memory is after granddad moved out to a retirement village. We would go visit him every Saturday. He lived here from the time I was about 7 up until I was in grade 11 at high school. He always kept me 2 cans of sars in the fridge because he knew it was my all time favourite soft drink. So every time I would go see him I got to have those two cans of soft drink and fruit cake. Sounds silly that something so simple would make me so happy but it did. His back door was one of those old fashioned type doors where it splits in half, you could open the top half, bottom half or both. It reminded me of a horse stable and I use to pretend that my (imaginary) horse was on the other side sticking its head through. Once I started high school I would go visit him at least twice a week before school as it was only across the road and once again, every time I went I would get my soft drink and fruit cake and if I was really lucky (which i normally was) he would give me a couple of dollars so I could get something from the tuck shop at lunch.

Granddad moved to some units in Tannum Sands when I was at the end of grade 11. The first house Neil and I bought was almost directly across the road so once again I would go visit as often as i could, normally taking Neil along with me. By this stage I was 19-20 years old. I would still get my sars and fruit cake while Neil got beer. I started feeling a bit ripped off but at the same time i enjoyed it because that's just what we do.

My absolute happiest and most fondest memory was on my wedding day. The look in my granddads eyes was nothing but pure happiness and I knew just how proud he was of me. I watched as he wiped a tear of happiness away from his cheek and I cried when he danced with me at the reception. No words were spoken but I could feel the love he had for me and I knew the love I had for him.

My granddad was my rock for so many years. he was always there for me when ever I needed him, no matter what it was for. He dotted over me and my family. I'm going to miss him so much but I take peace in knowing that even though he isn't with me any more he is still watching over me. I hope he finds peace in his after life and I hope he is with Grandma Lucas once again.

Its never going to be the same without you granddad. I will love you forever and always. You will always be in my heart.

Rest In Peace Herbert Lucas. Born 11/04/1920 Born into Eternal Life 24/03/2013

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Nipple Dilemma

Late yesterday afternoon I decided that I would have a early shower. The kids were playing nicely, dinner was all organised, everything was done. I decided it was some ME time.

As i was getting undressed i noticed the disgusting amount of hair that was taking over my legs so I thought it would be best to shave them. I found out my razor only to discover that my darling husband had used it last and all of his facial hair was stuck in-between the blades. I then spent the next 5 to 10 minutes looking for a nice, clean, fresh, SHARP razor blade. I finally found one so proceeded to get in the shower.

I soaped myself up and picked up the razor, this is when my life changed forever. The razor slipped out of my hand. Using my very quick and fast ninja skills i grabbed for it, catching it mid air and clutched it to my chest. Then the pain hit me. I looked down and to my horror i was covered in blood. I washed myself off and tried to see the damage but couldn't see much through the blood. All i knew was that the piercing pain had spread through out my whole breast. 

I decided i would proceed with shaving my legs and done it as quickly as possible. I got out of the shower and dried myself. As i looked down again the blood still hadn't stopped, i cleaned up and had another look. To my horror i discovered that when i had caught the razor i had also sliced my nipple clean open. The pain was something i have never experienced in my life and the bleeding just wouldn't stop. By this stage I'm thinking to myself that I'm going to have to go to the hospital and get nipple stitches.

I pulled the cupboards apart trying to find a band aid but of coarse the kids had used all of them whenever they had a tiny drop of blood on their knee's or toes, good work kids!! All i could find was cotton wool so i put my bra back on and packed it with as much cotton wool as i could hoping the pressure would stop the bleeding. 

I then went to my friends on facebook and told them my story, great help they were. All they could do was laugh. Here i am bleeding to death out of my nipple and they are laughing at me, thanks girls!! By this time I'm thinking about how i can explain my situation to the doctors and nurses in the ED without them thinking i was shaving my chest. I decided this wasn't an option.

I started to dish up dinner for the kids and tried to put it out of my mind but with every movement i made the pain would soar through me so i poured myself a rum to "calm myself".

About an hour later it was obvious i wasn't going to die from this so i went into the bathroom for another look. Thankfully the bleeding had stopped. I wiped away all of the dried blood and discovered just how long and deep the cut actually was. Nipples aren't that big but the cut is easily half the length of my nipple and is quite deep looking. Now I'm wondering if I'm going to need nipple reconstruction to fix it or if it will just heal itself.

Today, it feels a lot better, although still very sore and tender when it gets touched or something brushes up against it. I think it should be ok, no nipple reconstruction for me. I'm positive it will heal ok by itself. Just a warning to all my lovely lady friends. If you ever drop a razor DON'T try to catch it, just let it fall to the ground because you never know what that razor could slice off :)

Hello and Welcome

As this is my first ever blog i figured i would start off by saying a little about myself. My name is Liz, I'm 29years old, married to a beautiful man and have 3 adorable kids who are my life. I think I'm pretty easy going, a bit of a joker and a complete idiot at times. We live in a small little country town in Queensland, Australia and have a small 135acre property where we run beef cattle. I LOVE horses, they are my passion. I have 2 mares (Meg and Koda) and a colt foal (Chaska) who is my horse soul mate. I love my life, i love my family and i love my little farm. Unlike hubby I didn't grow up on a property, so when we first moved out here i was a little skeptical about it but on the very first night i knew that this is where we belonged and i haven't looked back since. There is nothing in my life that i would ever want to or wish to change, its perfect just the way it is. I have a family who loves and adores me and i have great friends, what more do i need? I love to have a drink, whether it be on a Friday night with just hubby and I or a big night out with the girls (by big i mean, pick a friends house, have dinner and drinks, let the kids play and just let our hair hang down). I love that people have different opinions and i will never hold it against anyone if their opinion differs to mine but i will stand up for what i believe in. I think that's about it really, nothing too special. I'm just your average, everyday farmers wife. I hope you enjoy reading about my crazy life as much as i will enjoy sharing it with you.